Sunday, July 28, 2013

Bring the toes back!

Fronts Complete
 I had Heidi Chartrand come out and do Ace's feet. His toes had gotten SO long and I found myself unable to bring them back with rasping alone on those dry hard summer feet! We took them back fairly drastically, I think we have the first slope angle grown out now. There are still a few more coming down the hoof wall. Not the best photos, should have gone outside for better light, but you get the idea!

We ended up with some inappropriate 1st cut Timothy and his bum has been bad this last month. I do not have access to any more for a bit, so we will be doing Timothy Alfalfa cubes to get us though. I hope this minor dietary hiccup doesn't take us backwards too much in his feet. Heidi had some suggestions for supplements I am willing to try ;)

One done, he is holding his own lead rope ;)

Pretty Toes!

left front
right front
right hind

left hind

Profile of front -note new wall angles coming down the line!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Update on Lameness

Yup, just a sprain. Whew! He took a couple of weeks to get moving freely again, but is back at it.

I am having a heck of a time trimming, physically. He is heavy and there is a lot of growth to keep up with. I picked up some nippers, but they were so dull I could not make a dent in his walls, so returned them. I am feeling confident and want to move them back, I can see where they need to go, I just have no means to get them there.

I am going to have to have someone come in and get them caught up.

I need a good set of tools and a strong body if I am going to keep up with trimming 2 horses! I did get leather gloves finally. I have some permanent scars on the left hand thumb and index finger knuckles!

Got a crummy batch of Timothy, first cut, rather coarse. He is a bit loose and that makes me worry about the effect on his feet. Waiting for more to come out of Washington and adding more Timothy / Alfalfa cubes to reduce the hay and balance him out. This seems to firm him up a bit, but not perfect. He still seems a bit "off".

Our Feet